The SAT is Changing Again!
Make It Stand Out.
The SAT is undergoing significant changes, including a transition to a digital format and a shortened test day. These shifts will not be implemented immediately, as international students are set to experience the new format first in 2023, while United States students won’t see the changes take effect until 2024. The test's total score of 1,600 points will remain the same, and it will continue to evaluate reading, writing, and math skills.
Along with these modifications, students will now be able to use graphing calculators for the math portion and receive faster results. While these changes may help keep the SAT relevant and accessible to students, they will not compromise its core function. According to Ross Lingle, a career counselor and teacher at Whitefish High School in Montana, the evolving exam is a positive step towards meeting students at their level. The new digital format will be adaptive, allowing for increased testing security and enabling students to use their own devices. The test will be shorter, and questions will be more concise, making it more approachable to students. Despite all these changes, students will still have to display the same level of skill in the three subject areas because, as Rodriguez says, "we still want students to have rich texts that they need to read, understand, analyze and answer questions about".